Image of Fall Aspen Colors lining a street


New Item Banner Minutes from the March 8th IMMD Board Meeting


The Comfort Station will be closed for maintenance from March 31st (Monday) till the end of day April 4th (Friday). Sorry for the inconvenience and thank you for your patience.


New Item Banner 2025/2026 IMWSP Water Augmentation Enrollment Information


Winter 2025 IMMD/IMPOA Joint Newsletter


December 2024 IMWSP Newsletter


Please review the updated Fire Mitigation articles found in the rightmost drop down menu of the main header.  Important and valuable information for all IM property owners.


IMMD-IMPOA Matrix of Responsibilities. (Updated 2/22/2025)


2025 Indian Mountain Events (from IMPOA Website)


Do you see a maintenance need at an IMMD facility?  Report it here.

Welcome to the Indian Mountain Metropolitan District

The official vision of the District is set forth in the Indian Mountain Metropolitan Service Plan approved by the Park County Board of County Commissioners on January 3, 2013.

The vision is to sustain the rural landscape and rural lifestyle of the Indian Mountain subdivision. The District shall manage, protect, and conserve its natural resources responsibly, while affording recreation opportunities for the community to experience and enjoy the natural quiet, solitude, peacefulness, serenity, beauty and natural resources found in Indian Mountain.

Towards achieving this vision, the District provides park, recreation, and water services for the Indian Mountain community.

The IMMD Board of Directors meets at 9:00am on the second Saturday of each month at the Community Center. Scheduled meeting dates and the most recently published meeting minutes can be found here.


Community Center Image

Wednesday through Saturday

9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.



P.O. Box 25

Como, Colorado 80432



Report a maintenance need at an IMMD facility.


Burn Bans can go into effect any time.  Check with Jefferson-Como Fire Protection District and stay up to date.