Burn Pit

Image of Piles Burning

The Burn Pit Facility is located next to the RV Storage Lot and Pasture Golf and Archery Range on Albino Road. It is open during summer months for the disposal of forest slash from community properties. The slash piles are burned under supervision of the Fire Department during winter months at a time deemed safe for a controlled burn.

For the 2024 season, the Indian Mountain burn pit will open on Friday, May 31st.  The burn pit will be open on Fridays and Saturdays from 8:30am to 2:30pm if we have enough volunteers to monitor the burn pit during those hours.  The volunteer shifts will be 3 hours each, from 8:30am – 11:30am and from 11:30am to 2:30pm.  We need two volunteers per shift.  Pat or Jackie will meet the volunteers at the pit in the morning to give instructions and will close the pit again in the afternoon. We are so grateful for our volunteers.  The burn pit could not open without them.

To volunteer, please use the Sign-Up Genius link below:


To use the burn pit, please stop by the Community Center office (open Wed – Sat 9am – 1pm) to get your 2024 Burn Pit Permit (not to be confused with the Burn Permit allowing campfires which can be obtained from the Como-Jefferson Fire Protection District). Outside neighborhoods are welcome to purchase a 2024 burn pit permit for a one time fee of $100.

The burn pit will be open until it’s full or until we are no longer able get volunteers.  We anticipate a busy season because a lot of big trees blew down during the windstorm of April 6th and 7th.

Only forest slash (trees and branches) is allowed in the burn pit.  Please follow the directions of the volunteers to stack the piles high and tight, and do NOT dump:

  • large stumps (if you can’t carry it by yourself, it’s too big)
  • large green wood
  • construction waste or lumber
  • anything with nails, screws or wire
  • wood chips

We will have a pile where you can leave good firewood (seasoned or not).  It’s encouraged to bring slash and leave with firewood (chain saws are NOT allowed at the burn pit).

Beware of wet weather that can make the burn pit grounds soggy and muddy.  We don’t want anyone falling victim to a screw or nail in their tire.

We appreciate your help in reducing the fire danger in Indian Mountain and we look forward to a successful burn pit season.